Coordinates for Senekal: Latitude: 28.32ºS Longitude: 27.62ºE
Senekal has a 1 km landing strip that lies from east to west.
Route: From Johannesburg, take the N1 to Bloemfontein. Travel through Kroonstad to Winburg. Just before Winburg, you will see a sign which says " Senekal / Marquard on the left. Turn left on the N5. Travel about 68 km on the N5 to Senekal.
From Durban, take the Pietermaritzburg N3 to Harrismith. In Harrismith take the N5 to Bethlehem/Bloemfontein. Travel through Bethlehem. Travel about 56 km on the N5 to Senekal.
Koördinate vir Senekal: Breedte grade:
28.32ºS Lengte grade: 27.62ºE
Senekal het 'n 1 km aanloopbaan wat van oos na wes lê.
Roete: Vanaf Johannesburg, neem die N1 na Bloemfontein. Reis deur Kroonstad na Winburg. Net voor Winburg is daar ’n padteken aan die linkerkant met “Senekal / Marquard”. Draai links op die N5. Ry omtrent 68 km op die N5 tot in Senekal.
Vanaf Durban, neem die Pietermaritzburg N3 na Harrismith. Neem in Harrismith die N5 na Bethlehem/Bloemfontein. Reis deur Bethlehem. Ry omtrent 56 km op die N5 tot in Senekal.
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